Celebration of Governor Jonathan Belcher's Appointment


On Monday (being the Celebration of her Majesty’s birth Day at Court) the New-England Merchants (being above 80 in Number) gave magnificent Entertainment to his Majesty’s Governour of New-England, Jonathan Belcher Esq; and there were present several Lords of Trade, Mr. Shute late Governor of New-England, Mr. Johnson of South,& Mr. Burrington of North Carolina. After Dinner were drunk the Healths of their Majesties, the Prince of Wales, the Duke & Princesses, the Glorious Memory of K[ing] William, Q[ueen] Mary & K[ing] George I., Lord Chancellor, Duke of New Castle, Lord Townshend, Sir Robert Walpole, the Speaker of the House of Commons, with the rest of the Kings Ministers, the Lords of the Admiralty and Lords of Trade, with a great Number of other Loyal Healths; and during the Entertainment, there was a fine Concert of Musick.

— (From: The New-England Weekly Journal, No. 165, May 18, 1730.)

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